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Welcome to the website of Temple B'rith Kodesh!


There are many committees made up of Temple congregants that do important work essential to TBK.  You do not have to be on the TBK Board to participate as a member of one of the committees. Interested?  Contact Temple President David Stone by e-mail or call (585) 244-7060.


Temple B'rith Kodesh Committees

175th Anniversary Committee Monica Gurell
Art & Museum Committee Vacant
Caring Community Herb Skerker & Monica Skerker
House Committee Sue Lococo
Finance & Budget Sam Narotsky
Fundraising Committee Ruth Sternberg
Human Resources Amy Kahn
Membership Engagement Monica Gurell

Religous Practices
     Music Subcommittee

Rusti Berent
     Fred Weingarten
School and Youth Jacqui Liebman
Security  Richard Evans
Social Action  Susan Hellman

Social Action initiatives/participation include:  Keeping Our Promise, Family Promise, TEMPRO, Pencils & Paper, Aaron Barveman Legacy, Supper Program at Blessed Sacrament, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism



Sun, October 6 2024 4 Tishrei 5785