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WRJ/TBK Sisterhood Donations

Donations to WRJ/TBK Sisterhood are always appreciated. Many people choose to make donations in memory of loved ones at the time of their yahrzeits. If you would like a loved one to be added to our list, we will be happy to send a reminder and contribution envelope each year.

Donations can be made online at our Square site or by check to WRJ/TBK Sisterhood, Temple B’rith Kodesh, 2131 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618. Donations of $18 and above are listed in Connections.

Please click here to view the most recent issue of Connections

Donations can be designated to specific WRJ/TBK Sisterhood funds:

Belle Rose – Beck Bernstein Sabbath Fund
Supplements hospitality for each Oneg Shabbat and related needs.

Education Fund/Bernstein Award
Provides funds for the Philip S. Bernstein Award, a monetary reward to one or more young persons in our congregation based upon commitment to Judaism and a sincere interest in pursuing Judaic studies.

Floral and Temple Beautification Fund
Provides Sanctuary flowers for Shabbat and holiday services, provides for special beautification of the Temple, and contributes to the care and upkeep of the courtyard.
Shirley Gelb Memorial Fund
Provides funds for the upkeep and modernization of the WRJ/TBK Sisterhood Office.

WRJ/TBK Sisterhood Gift Fund
Provides a gift to Sisterhood to support current operating needs.

YES Fund
Provides funds for the WRJ Youth, Education and Special Projects at the national level and includes scholarships for rabbinic students at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.

Youth Fund 
Provides campership to Temple youth to URJ Six Points Sci-Tech Academy summer camp, supports College Connection, which sends packages to our college students,  and provides money to supplement youth projects.

When no specific fund is designated, donations will be used as needed.

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784