Donation Funds
Your Gift to TBK
Temple B'rith Kodesh is where we educate our children, commemorate life cycle events, join together for Shabbat and holidays, make new friends and share memories with old ones. It is our home away from home - our warm, welcoming, and caring community.
Fundraising is a significant portion of Temple B'rith Kodesh's annual budget - the generosity of members and friends enables us to provide many important programs and services.
TBK Gift Fund | The most helpful gift is the one that gives TBK the most flexibility in its use, the TBK Gift Fund |
Here are other funds that you can donate to online:
Aaron Braveman Fund | Supports the needs of the Religious School programs, especially Teacher training |
Associate Rabbi Discretionary Fund | Discretionary funds for use as directed by Rabbi Tulik. Contributions are often made to discretionary funds in honor or appreciation of the Rabbis. |
Bessie & Louis Spector Music Fund | Supports ongoing music programming as well as special events such as Jazz Shabbat. |
Biennial Fund | Provides financial assistance to people interested in attending the URJ Biennial |
Dorothy Cohn Fund | This fund supports the L'Taken program, where high school students from across the country visit Washington D.C. to network and find out how they can advocate for programs and policies rooted in Jewish values. |
Executive Director's Discretionary Fund | Discretionary funds for use as directed by Executive Director Michael Yudelson. |
Kollel Program Donations | The Kollel Adult Education program topics range from classical text study to Jewish ethics, God and spirituality, Hebrew, literacy, comparative religion and more. Donations help to offer a wider variety of classes. |
Rabbi Philip Bernstein Society | The Philip S. Bernstein Society honors the memory of the spiritual leader of our temple between 1927 and 1973. The Society provides funding and leadership for expanded and enriched programming and projects to cultivate an understanding and appreciation of our Jewish heritage, and to perpetuate the legacy of the late Rabbi Bernstein. |
Religious School Scholarships | Donations to the Scholarship fund further the goal of there not being financial obstacles to children receiving a Jewish education. |
Senior Rabbi's Discretionary Fund | Discretionary funds for use as directed by Rabbi Stein. Contributions are often made to discretionary funds in honor or appreciation of the Rabbis. |
Stuart & Betsy Bobry Adult Lounge Fund | Generously created and supported by the Bobry's, this fund helps maintain the Adult Lounge, the most used meeting space in the temple. |
TBK President's Discretionary Fund | Discretionary funds for use as directed by the TBK President. |
TBK Security Fund | Donations to the Security Fund help support the cost of having security guards protect us at all worship services and other events. |
Temple B'rith Kodesh Foundation | The TBK Foundation supports the fiscal needs of the temple. Each year a portion of the assets held by the Foundation are transferred to TBK to support operations. |
TBK Youth Fund | Supports social programs and services for young people |
TEMPRO | TEMPRO provides housing assistance and life skills support to people of the homeless community. |
WRJ/Sisterhood Funds: | |
Education Fund | Provides funds for the Philip S. Bernstein Award, a monetary reward to one or more young persons in our congregation based upon commitment to Judaism and a sincere interest in pursuing Judaic studies. |
Floral Fund | Provides Sanctuary flowers for Shabbat and holiday services, provides for special beautification of the Temple, and contributes to the care and upkeep of the courtyard. |
Belle Rose Fund | Supplements hospitality for each Oneg Shabbat and related needs. |
Shirley Gelb Fund | Provides funds for the upkeep and modernization of the WRJ/TBK Sisterhood Office. |
YES Fund | Provides funds for the WRJ Youth, Education and Special Projects at the national level and includes scholarships for rabbinic students at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. |
Sisterhood Youth Fund | Provides campership to Temple youth to URJ Six Points Sci-Tech Academy summer camp, supports College Connection, which sends packages to our college students, and provides money to supplement youth projects. |
Sat, September 14 2024
11 Elul 5784
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Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784