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A Prayer for Our Country

Rabbi Peter SteinA Prayer for Our Country
Offered by Rabbi Peter Stein

Eloheinu v’Elohei Avoteinu v’Imoteinu
Our God and God of our Ancestors
Mkor HaBracha, Mkor HaChaim
Source of Blessing, Source of Life

You have implanted within us great abilities
The ability to heal
The ability to create hope
The ability to pursue justice and to create peace

We can each be a source of blessing
We can each create and protect life

Eloheinu v’Elohei Avoteinu v’Imoteinu
Our God and God of our Ancestors
Mkor HaBracha, Mkor HaChaim
Source of Blessing, Source of Life

Bless us with the strength, courage, and wisdom
To reach the fullness of our potential
As healers
As creators of hope
As rodfei tsedek and rodfei shalom
Those who live in pursuit of justice and peace

Our country faces great challenges
Hatred and violence are found in so many places
Too many face suffering and struggle

Let us rise up to meet these challenges
To fill every corner of the land with love and peace.

Eloheinu v’Elohei Avoteinu v’Imoteinu
Our God and God of our Ancestors
Mkor HaBracha, Mkor HaChaim
Source of Blessing, Source of Life

We need leaders who will unite us
To pursue the common goal of safety and equality

We need leaders who will unite us
And create opportunity and security for one and all

Bless them with wisdom and courage

Help them to see the needs
of the wondrous rainbow that makes up
these United States

Eloheinu V’Elohei Avoteinu v’Imoteinu
Our God and God of our Ancestors
Mkor HaBracha, Mkor HaChaim
Source of Blessing, Source of Life

Help us on the path 
to cooperation and understanding
Help us to learn how to live together
Help us to hear the cry of those who are oppressed
Help us to make this country
a place of love and peace.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784